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Introduction to HGS' Scope of Services
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HydroGeoSense - The big picture of HGS' Scope of Services
- Services
HGS' Core Services encompass our design philosophy from conceptualization to modelling, to design, to troubleshooting to closure. The key is to design with the objective in mind.
- Lab Services
HGS'lab services included standard geotechnical and soil sciences procedures as well as specialized procedures which recognize the nuisances of the particular process for which the information is being generated.
- Testing Techniques
Our specialized testing techniques were designed to eliminate the limitations of existing soil-sciences and geo-technical procedures to evaluate hydrodynamic parameters of granular materials with a wide particle size distribution (including coarse fractions).
- Data Interpretation
Our analysis procedures provide direct measurement of hydrodynamic parameters, tortuosity, physical sample behavior, and electric conductivity as a function of moisture content.
- Design Parameters
Our testing procedures are designed to provide key information not available otherwise to design engineers and decision makers alike.
- Heap Characterization
Direct measurement of the physical, hydraulic and chemical distribution inside an ore heap provide the necessary understanding to manage and optimize a leaching process.
- Modeling
We have developed specialized modeling tools to deal with multi-phase transport and flow (including vadose zone) to provide design guidance and optimization of mining and environmental processes. We have used these tools to support our clients on the design, trouble shooting and optimization of reactive transport processes world wide.
- Monitoring
Our state-of-the-art monitoring systems have allowed our clients to understand and manage processes which otherwise have been treated as "black boxes." Our monitoring systems have been deployed world wide under the most stringent conditions and have proven to be both reliable and durable.
- Consulting
Extensive experience in the physical and chemical aspects of flow and transport of reactive solids allows us to provide value-added services to our clients.
- Case Studies
Case studies which demonstrate the application of the hydrodynamic concepts and provide an overview of the range of application of our technology
- Exotic agglomerated Cu ore - Chile
This project included a post-mortem analysis of a failed heap leach operation, hydrodynamic and metallurgical characterization of the ore to design a new leaching approach that would allow re-leaching of an exotic copper deposit
- Secondary Copper Sulfide - Chile
A characterization program designed to identify hydrodynamic controls on leaching mechanisms on a large secondary copper sulfide, heap leaching operation.
- Effect of Agglomeration Additives - Thailand
Assist client during feasibility evaluation of a complex secondary copper deposit to identify the potential benefits of agglomeration additives
- Zinc Sulfide Ore - North America
Application of hydrodynamic characterization and Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to assist client in the evaluation of a pilot test heap study.
- ROM characterization - USA
Design and implement a characterization program for a large ROM stockpile to assist the client to implement an in-place leaching program.
- Diagnose Heap Leach Operation - Chile
Assist client to improve existing secondary copper leaching operation where high level of fines (18% minus 200 mesh) has been deemed a hindrance to metallurgical performance. The study involved hydrodynamic characterization, in situ measurement of hydraulic conductivity and bulk density, together with closed-space sampling for physical and metallurgical characterization.
- In situ Leaching Pilot Test - N. America
Scoping study to assist client to conceptualize an in situ leaching process in the vadose zone. Identify critical parameters and create a numerical model to assist with the selection of optimal solution injection and recovery strategies.
- Mixed Sulfide ROM - USA
Assist client to identify improved operational conditions for an existing secondary copper sulfide ROM leaching operation.
- Chalcopyrite Leaching Demonstration Heap
Heap monitoring system and resistivity survey
- Publications
A list of our publications and key technical presentations
- Contact Us
Email us your questions and/or comments to see if we can help you.