Testing Techniques

Nearly 30 years of work on the hydrological sciences and 13 years on the mining industry resulted in the development of two lab testing procedures. The tests provide the most complete characterization of the physical and hydrodynamic properties of an ore available to the mining industry.

The Stacking Test (ST)

Determines the bulk density profile and the hydraulic conductivity profile of an ore along the depth of a heap. This test allows also determination of the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity near the bottom of the heap – the zone that controls the performance of the heap.

The Hydrodynamic Column Test (HCT)

Simultaneously measures the hydraulic and gas conductivity of an ore as a function of its moisture content (degree of saturation) and pore pressure. In addition, this procedure provides physical and hydraulic parameters typically obtained from standard geotechnical lab measurements (total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity) as well as critical information about the porous structure (micro-, macro-porosity and tortuosity).

The HCT can include: a) temperature control and b) measurement of the relationship between electric resistivity and moisture content – a parameter critical for real-time monitoring of the operational conditions of a leach facility.